
EON is a distributed computing power protocol, specifically designed for the computation needs of on-chain AI. It incentivizes contributors by directly rewarding users for committing their computing resources to the network, so that the machine learning assignments can be executed on-chain. The protocol operates independently of a central authority or legal framework, leveraging smart contracts for the streamlined distribution of tasks and payment transactions.

4.1 EON Marketplace

Acts as a central platform facilitating the connection between providers and seekers of computational power. AI chips on the EON marketplace include 3080, 3090, 4090, V100-32G, A100-40G, A100-80G, A800-80G, etc.

Global Computing Network:

Eon focuses on aggregating all-grade graphics cards and business chips, enabling a broader range of individuals to contribute to mining and computational power supply.

Paving the Way for the Next AI Era:

Continuing the legacy of AGI. Eon is actively exploring the convergence of AI and blockchain, including the development of DePIN networks and on-chain model training. This focus positions Eon as a foundational infrastructure provider for the impending AI era, leveraging blockchain technology to enable and advance AI applications.

4.2 D-Nano: Net and Better, All You Need Is Eon

Infinite scale decentralized computing power driven by D-Nano Cloud Service, core product of EON.

D-Nano cloud service is the core product of EON, which mainly simplifies application management, improves service deployment, resource scheduling and allocation, and the overall fault tolerance of the network through containerization and more efficient and concise technical architecture.

1️⃣ Mix technologies with D-nano and Kubernetes

D-Nano, as a lightweight container management system, is combined with the Kubernetes architecture, which is in charge of cluster function. Other projects choose either D-Nano or Kubernetes alone, but EON handles the architecture as a mix of both.

EON uses Kubernetes in its overall structure, and when a single node is deployed or a small node is deployed, D-Nano prioritizes the task: delivering the machine with a very small amount of resources ensures that simple arithmetic needs are fulfilled; while in the case of achieving incremental (scaling), Kubernates incrementally and dominantly dominate the task on their own.

For example, when a user needs an A100 machine to process a task, a unit of D-Nano will respond quickly, but when the user's arithmetic demand is huge, needing five machines, one after another D-Nano to deal with will be sluggish, resulting in poor user experience, then through the assistance of Kubernetes automation (auto-scaling), a unit of D-Nano will be enough to solve the problem.

D-Nano will be enough to solve the huge amount of user's arithmetic demand and realize rapid incrementalization. In this case, EON combines the characteristics of lightweight D-Nano (Low Latency) and the high throughput brought by Kubernates.

A. Enhanced Flexibility and Efficiency

  • Lightweight Management: D-Nano offers lightweight container management for edge computing, ensuring efficient resource use.

  • Robust Orchestration: Kubernetes provides advanced orchestration capabilities, automating scaling, deployment, and management.

B. Optimal Performance

  • Low Latency: By integrating D-Nano’s lightweight containers with Kubernetes' optimized networking, Eon ensures minimal latency.

  • High Throughput: Leveraging Kubernetes’ robust infrastructure, Eon delivers superior processing power and faster data handling.

C. Improved Security

  • Zero Trust Model: Eon incorporates a zero-trust security model, ensuring secure container interactions and data protection.

  • Automated Security Features: Use Kubernetes’ automated vulnerability scanning and security policies for enhanced protection.

D. Scalability and Cost-Effectiveness

  • Seamless Scaling: Kubernetes allows for seamless and efficient scaling of D-Nano containers, adapting to varying workloads.

  • Cost Savings: Eon’s optimized resource utilization and automated management reduce operational costs compared to traditional cloud services.

E. User-Friendly Deployment

  • Intuitive Interfaces: Eon offers easy-to-use interfaces for managing both D-Nano and Kubernetes environments.

  • Simplified Workflows: Automated workflows for deployment and monitoring streamline operations, making it accessible even for non-experts.

2️⃣The advantages of D-Nano Service

A. Containerization & Orchestration

Efficient Deployment & Scaling: D-Nano Services leverage containerization for deploying applications efficiently. Utilizing orchestration tools like Kubernetes enables the management of containers over bare metal resources. This not only optimizes hardware utilization but also simplifies application management.

B. Dynamic Resource Allocation

Agile & Efficient Use of Resources: The architectural design of D-Nano Services supports dynamic and efficient allocation of resources. By decomposing services into smaller, independent components, it allows for scaling based on demand. This approach results in a more effective utilization of bare metal resources.

C. Improved Fault Tolerance

Reliability Through Independence: D-Nano Services are designed to operate autonomously. In the event of a service failure, it doesn't compromise the entire system's stability. This independence enhances the network's fault tolerance and uptime.

D. Faster Deployment Cycles

Agility in Updates & Maintenance: The modular nature of D-Nano Services facilitates quicker development and deployment cycles. Individual services can receive updates or fixes without disrupting the entire infrastructure, enabling continuous integration and deployment practices.

5. Efficient Load Balancing

Optimized Network Performance: D-Nano Services, distributed across various nodes in a decentralized environment, enable effective load balancing. This prevents any node from becoming overburdened, thus ensuring a smoother operation of the network.

E. Service Discovery & Management

Streamlined Service Operations: Navigating the decentralized and bare metal landscape of D-Nano Services requires robust service discovery and management mechanisms. Implementing these systems automates the monitoring and management processes, simplifying the oversight of services across the network.

EON mix D-Nano and Kubernetes to leverage the benefits of both lightweight container management and powerful orchestration. Here's a basic approach to integrating them:

  1. Deploy D-Nano within Kubernetes You can deploy D-Nano instances as Kubernetes pods. This allows you to manage D-Nano containers within a Kubernetes cluster, taking advantage of Kubernetes’ orchestration features.

  2. Use Kubernetes for Orchestration Utilize Kubernetes to handle the orchestration tasks such as scaling, load balancing, and self-healing. D-Nano can manage the lightweight containers, while Kubernetes oversees the overall deployment and management.

  3. Networking and Service Discovery Configure networking so that D-Nano instances can communicate with each other and other Kubernetes services. Use Kubernetes' built-in service discovery to simplify communication.

Example Workflow:

  1. Setup Kubernetes Cluster: Deploy a Kubernetes cluster using a provider like GKE, EKS, or on-premises.

  2. Deploy D-Nano: Create Kubernetes manifests (YAML files) for D-Nano instances and deploy them as Kubernetes pods.

  3. Configure Services: Use Kubernetes services to expose D-Nano pods, enabling internal and external communication.

  4. Monitoring and Management: Use Kubernetes tools like Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring, and Helm for managing deployments.

By combining D-Nano’s lightweight container management with Kubernetes’ robust orchestration, you can create a scalable and efficient environment suitable for a variety of applications.

4.3 Bandwidth solution of EON: SD-WAN

SD-WAN stands for Software-Defined Wide Area Network. It is a technology that simplifies the management and operation of a WAN by decoupling the networking hardware from its control mechanism. Here are its key features:

  1. Intelligent Traffic Management: Directs traffic across the most efficient paths.

  2. Cost-Effective: Utilizes low-cost internet links alongside or instead of expensive MPLS links.

  3. Enhanced Performance: Improves application performance through optimized routing and reduced latency.

  4. Flexibility and Scalability: Easily adapts to changing network requirements.


  • Improved Network Efficiency: Smart traffic routing optimizes resource use.

  • Reduced Costs: Lowers dependency on expensive dedicated links.

  • Better User Experience: Enhances the performance and reliability of applications.

SD-WAN tech enhances our EON network efficiency through intelligent traffic management and multi-path transmission, optimizing bandwidth usage.

4.4 Chip RWA

The EON team owns 100 A100 machines and will put these machine assets on the chain. Issue A100 tokens based on market evaluation price, with an initial price of 1 $A100=1 USDT .The issuance quantity will be based on the market evaluation price (assessed by a third-party institution), and the machines will be hosted by a third-party institution.

A. Usage of A100 Tokens

Staking allows participation in A100 machine rental dividends, holding a specified amount of A100 tokens can be used to redeem machines.

B. Outcome

Significantly increase the on-chain TVL (market value of nearly 30 million USD from 100 A100 machines) while improving chip utilization efficiency. We would also establish the standards for AI chip on-chain integration

C. Future

Integrating other models such as H800, H100, etc.,

Last updated